Safely excavate without causing unnecessary damage to underground infrastructre.

Non Destructive Digging

Safely excavate underground with non destructuve digging methods.

Accurate Utility Location

Accurately locate and uncover underground utilities with fast precision to underground utlities.

Low Environmental Impact

Accurately remove sludge and debris with minimal soil removal.


Our hydro vacuum excavation services provide a safe and environmentally friendly approach to excavating and locating underground infrastructure. With vacuum excavation, the risk of damaging underground utilities is significantly reduced. Instead of manual or mechanical digging, soils are safely broken up using water.

This innovative excavation technique enables fast, precise digging that requires less backfill, labour, and restoration. By employing hydro vacuum excavation, existing underground services can be excavated safely without causing unnecessary damage. This not only helps avoid costly repairs and downtime but also creates a safer working environment for operators and the general public.

Safe Operations

Hydro vacuum excavation is a safer alternative to manual or mechanical digging. It eliminates the risk of accidentally hitting or damaging underground utilities such as gas pipes, fiber optic cables, water mains, or electrical lines. This helps prevent accidents, injuries, and potentially fatal situations.

Minimal Damage

With hydro vacuum excavation, high-pressure water is used to break up the soil, while a vacuum system simultaneously removes the debris. This gentle process minimizes the chances of damaging existing underground infrastructure, reducing the need for costly repairs and disruptions.

Precise Locating

Hydro vacuum excavation allows for precise digging. Operators have better control over the excavation process, enabling them to accurately locate and uncover underground utilities or structures. This precision is particularly useful in sensitive areas where avoiding damage is crucial.

Faster Operations

Hydro vacuum excavation is a faster and more efficient technique compared to traditional methods. The high-pressure water quickly dislodges the soil, while the vacuum system swiftly removes the debris. This streamlined process saves time, allowing projects to be completed more rapidly.

Low Environmental Impact

Hydro vacuum excavation minimizes soil erosion and sediment runoff, as the water used in the process can be controlled and contained. Additionally, the method reduces the need for excessive digging, which helps preserve the surrounding landscape and reduces disruption to natural habitats.

Cost Savings

The reduced risk of damaging underground utilities eliminates the expenses associated with repairs, downtime, and costly service disruptions. The precise digging also reduces the amount of backfill required, saving on material and labor costs.


Our vacuum trucks boast enhanced capabilities, equipped with larger blowers that create the efficient extraction of heavy materials from greater depths and longer distances. Manufactured with high levels of mercury content, increased airspeeds and velocity, our vacuum truck blowers create a powerful vacuum and flow. With an impressive 8000L tank offering superior carrying capacity, our skilled operators can excavate, collect, transport, and dispose of spoil in significantly reduced timeframes.

This cutting-edge technology distinguishes our vacuum trucks from traditional models that are limited in their ability to handle heavy materials found at specific depths and distances. By harnessing this technology, our vacuum trucks not only dig alot faster, they are guaranteed to remove a larger volume of bulk materials from greater depths and distances.

Our vacuum trucks are equipped with an impressive 270-degree horizontal swing capability, allowing for a wide range of manoeuvrability. 

The boom’s versatile movement enables it to reach a maximum height of 1.4 meters and a minimum height of 1.4 meters from a starting angle of 0 degrees.

Furthermore, when combined with boom connections, our vacuum trucks can achieve an impressive total reach of up to 4 meters. This extensive range of motion and reach ensures that our vacuum trucks can effectively access and extract materials from various heights and depths, making them ideal for a diverse range of excavation and waste removal tasks.